Chemical Solutions
A bacteria infected storage tank can cause major problems with fuel systems and equipment. No one can afford an equipment failure or citation for an out-of-compliance system.
UST has a complete line of chemical solution products proven to treat, restore, and prevent other issues including:
• Biocide – Kills Bacteria and Fungus in Fuel, Fuel Soluble, Good long-term stability, Large or Small Tanks Water Soluble
• Anti-Gel – Winter additive to prevent diesel gelling
• Conditioner and Anti-Gel – Used to keep fuel at its optimal performance during cold weather
• Fuel Inhibitor – Used to keep healthy tanks healthy
• Tank Dry – Removal of water at the microbial level in Fuel
• Fungal and Bacteria growth tests
• Complete and comprehensive service packages are available
• Phase Separation – Chemicals used to restore Ethanol Blended Fuels that has experienced Phase Separation
To schedule an appointment or to speak with our sales associate, please call: 913-215-9173