Military Fueling Systems

Turn-Key Fuel Facility Maintenance, Repair, Upgrade and Construction

UST’s Fuel Service Division provides turn-key construction of military fueling facilities that include POL, hydrant system, aviation fueling, Hemitt fueling, CAB Hot Fuel and vehicle fueling.

An example of our services are listed below:

  • Modify and construct fuel hydrant systems
  • Modify and construct bulk fuel storage and handling systems
  • Design-build services for aviation and ground fueling facilities
  • Modify and contruct offload and transfer systems
  • Fuel polishing, flushing and fuel quality testing
  • Tank cleaning
  • Inspect fuel off-load, storage, and distribution facilities to detect and correct: leakage, corrosion, faulty fittings, malfunction of mechanical units, meters, gauges, float gauges, piping valves, pumps and roof sumps
  • Overhaul system components such as automatic hydraulically Controlled Pressure Regulating Valves and Excess Valves.
  • Disassemble, adjust, align, and calibrate gauges and meters.
  • Remove and install equipment such as filters and piping to modify system or repair and replace system components
  • Inspect electrical wiring, switches, and controls for safe operating condition, grounding and adjustment
  • Lubricate pumps and valves, replace gaskets/seals and correct pumping equipment misalignment
  • Clean Repair, and Inspect: aboveground/underground fuel storage tanks and distribution piping in accordance with API and STI codes/standards
  • Install and replace internal floating roofs, seals, hangers, and vacuum and pressure vents

Full Service Inspections

UST’s engineering team is licensed in many states and experienced in providing tank and facility inspections that includes API 653, STI (SP 001), API 570, State Environmental Compliance and Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC).

Military Aviation
Military Aviation Fueling Systems


Construct Fuel Yard

CAB Hot Refuel Facility, Ft. Bliss

NAS JRB Ft. Worth, Texas

Oklahoma National Guard

Construct Fuel Yard

Project Name: Construct Fuel Yard
Project Owner: Ft. Hood, Killeen Texas
Completion Date: April, 2017

Project Description: Installed two 12,000-gallon fuel tanks and the supporting infrastructure for a new fuel yard. The project called for the installation of one 12,000-gallon gasoline tank and one 12,000-gallon diesel fuel tank (2 total tanks for the project).

The project included:

  • constructing reinforced concrete footers to support the tanks,
  • concrete access drives for vehicles to access the fuel pumps,
  • perimeter security
  • Fencing, lighting and drainage features (culverts, curbs and berms),
  • site grading and earthwork to provide for positive drainage,
  • Start up, testing & commissioning

CAB Hot Refuel Facility, Ft. Bliss

Project Name: CAB Hot Refuel Facility, Ft. Bliss
Project Owner: Ft. Bliss
Project Completed: July 2013

Project Description: Installation of tanks, piping, controls, valves, new pump skids and commissioning of system. All piping above ground was stainless steel and combined with required regulated underground piping. This was a Hot Cab refueling project allowing instant re-fueling of active helicopters while on the pad and operational.

NAS JRB Ft. Worth, Texas

Project Name: NAS JRB Ft. Worth, Texas
Project Owner: Naval Air Station, Ft. Worth
Date Completed: September, 2016

Project Description: Upgrade diesel JP-8 and Mogas storage tanks at the vehicle fueling station with new piping, protective exterior coatings, pipe supports, and freeze protection. Included installation of start/stop controls for each pump. Install pre-engineered steel canopy over loading island to cover the equipment for fill-stands including light fixtures, wiring and controls.

Scope also included demolishing of existing pumps and replace with two suction self-priming centrifugal pumps and all electrical work.

Oklahoma National Guard

Project Name: Oklahoma National Guard
Project Owner: Oklahoma National Guard
Project Completion: October 2007

Project Description: Furnish and install new JP-8 Aviation fueling system complete with all required valves, pumps, motors, tanks, equipment and commissioning of system.