Project Methodology
Safety is a very high priority for UST; NO EXCEPTIONS. Most projects have incorporated the superintendent with the safety officer, however UST prefers a separate safety officer if the project size will allow for it.
Our project crews are required to complete the initial OSHA 40 hour course, as well as keeping updated with OSHA 10 & 30 hour courses on an ongoing basis.
UST models its safety program after OSHA and the Army Corp of Engineers EM385-1-1 and tailors it to meet the specifics of any given project. All aspects of a project have equal weighting in terms of importance, with the exception of safety, which is given the highest priority on every project.
Quality Control
Quality Control is an essential element of UST’s construction processes. UST’s Quality Control Manager will implement and manage a job specific QC plan for each project. UST models its QC program based on the Army Corp of Engineers three phase approach consisting of preparatory, initial and follow-up measures.
UST utilizes Primavera P6 for its scheduling models for larger projects and SmartSheet schedules for smaller projects. All subcontractors meet with UST’s management in order to provide timelines and specific milestones within the project completion schedules.
UST provides the client with the same data for completion updates and billing purposes. The schedules are updated regularly and posted by each superintendent in order to keep all parties to the project informed in the field.
Contract Administration
UST’s experience with government and commercial clients on past projects has made us highly aware of the continuing need for contract administration as an ongoing concern on any project.
UST understands that no project begins or ends until the paperwork is correct. Our staff is committed to providing submittals, certified payrolls, billings, SF1413’s, preconstruction submittals (Quality Control Plans, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, Environmental Protection Plans, Safety Plans) and other documents necessary for the successful completion of the administrative portion of the project.
We also understand the need for all documents, including close out documents, Operation & Maintenance manuals and as-builts, to be accurate and provided on a timely basis.