Community / Giving Back

We believe in helping out around our community; it provides a greater sense of purpose in what we do. For us, it is deeper than making donations to nonprofit organizations or serving on their boards. By engaging with the community around a common cause, by default, it gives our employees a sense of pride and accomplishes a core belief we have in giving back.

For our employees, it becomes an emotional feeling that allows us to see first-hand how our efforts can help worthy causes and people in need. As a result, our team has grown stronger, more closely knit and gained a greater level of loyalty to each other over the years.

Civic Leadership

  • President – Southlake Rotary
  • Board of Directors – Keller Chamber of Commerce
  • Chairman of the Board – Recovery Resource Council

Community Involvement

  • North Texas Warrior Golf Association
  • Trinity Habitat for Humanity
  • Amy’s Wish With Wings
  • Recovery Resource Council
  • FEAT of North Texas (Families for Effective Autism Treatment in North Texas)
  • Hearts for Homes
  • American Cancer Society
Community / Giving Back
Community Involvement